prof raoul r nigmatullin

Prof. Raoul R. Nigmatullin

Position:        principal researcher of the radioelectronics and informative measurement-techniques department of the Kazan National Research Technical University, Russia

Speech Title:   Detection of fractional integrals with complex-conjugated power-law exponents in living systems.

In 1970 year, he finished the physical faculty of Kazan State University with honors (with red diploma as an exceptional student) and received his Master Degree on specialization of theoretical physics. During 1970-1973 years, he was postgraduate student of the Theoretical Physics Department of Kazan University. From 1974 year he defended successfully his Candidate Thesis (which is equivalent to PhD thesis) and begun to work as an assistant on the department of Theoretical Physics. His PhD thesis was devoted to consideration of kinetics of paramagnets at low temperatures. From 1978 year he worked as a senior lecturer (Associate Professor) in the same department. He recommended himself as a good lecturer and read all traditional subjects of the theoretical physics: theoretical and quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical physics and etc.).In 1981 year, he participated in competition for the visiting as a probationer to the Great Britain. During of 1982 (September) 1983 (July) he worked as a scientific (postdoctoral) assistant in the laboratory of physics of dielectrics (former Chelsea-college of London University) under the leadership of Prof. A.K. Jonscher who was the well-known specialist in physics of dielectrics. Then in 1990 year, he was invited again for three months in the King's college (London University) to continue his investigations in dielectric relaxation phenomena in laboratory of Prof. Robert M. Hill. During November 1991-January 1992, he was invited by Dr. Alain Le Mehaute (ALCATEL ALSTHOM RESHERCHE, later ISMANS) in France to work in the region of fractal physics.
In 1992 year, he defended successfully his doctorate thesis and obtained the full Doctorate degree of Physics and Mathematics. Beginning from the March 1994 year, he obtained the status of Full Professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics of Kazan State University. The High Attestation Committee from Moscow confirmed officially by the Professor's Diploma his Full Doctorate and Professor Status in 1997 year.In November of 1993, he was invited by Prof. F. Mainardi to read lectures in Italy to Bologna University devoted to the mathematical physics of fractional calculus. This direction in physics is quite new one and establishes the new relationship between fractal physics and fractional calculus.
Starting from 2015 year, he started to work as a contracting professor in Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI). His scientific publications are well known among the specialists working in dielectrics and physics of fractals not only in ex-Soviet Union but in the West as well. He collaborates actively with the scientists of many countries - Great Britain, France, Israel, Turkey, Japan and PRC.
Under his direct supervision 7 postgraduate students in Kazan Federal University have defended successfully their PhD thesis and one of them Dr. V. Toboev received the degree of Doctor of biophysics.
The American Biographical Institute selected his biography in annual books "The Contemporary Who's Who" (Who's Making a Difference) 2002/2003, 2007/2008 and 2010/2011 years. In 2012 year in the conference “Nonlinear Science and Complexity” (August, Budapest) he received the G. M. Zaslavsky European award for the solution of the Prony problem.
Now he has more than 300 publications in the different journals entering in the SCOPUS and WoS databases and is well-cited scientist among other leading Russian scientists actively working in the modern science. In accordance with the ISI (International Scientific Institute) version his total citation index exceeds CItot = 3700 and the Hirsch index close to 32.
Each year he receives many invitations for visiting of many international universities for reading lectures related with his personal research. He visited Japan (2007), Turkey (2008/2009), PRC (Guangzhou, Jinan University 2010/2012 under the invitation of Prof. Wei Zhang), Norway (2013). In the 2014 year he read lectures in Shandong university (Jinan city, PRC). In the recent conferences "New Trends in Science and Technology" and "Fractional Derivatives and their Applications" (November 2008, Ankara, Turkey) and in the 4-th conference of "Nonlinear Science and Complexity" (August 2012, Hungary Budapest) he received some awards for his contribution in the development of new methods in signal/noise analysis and the methods of fractional calculus for analysis of different complex systems.
Recently in cooperation with Italian researchers Profs. Guido Maione and Paolo Lino (Bari Polytechnical University) he wrote a manual for Master students related to new statistical methods and applied statistics. This manual entitled “New Digital Processing Methods” (Applications to Measurement and Diagnostic) was published by “Springer” publishing house (Germany) in 2020 year. For further details one can visit the site
Now being a principal researcher of the radioelectronics and informative measurement-techniques department of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after by the name of the Russian Great Engineer and Inventor A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI) he is actively working in two directions of physics:
1. Condensed Matter Physics, Dielectric spectroscopy, electrochemistry, fractal geometry and fractional calculus.
2. Development of original noninvasive methods for "reading" of different random sequences in complex and nonlinear systems.