Pre-Clinical Oral Surgery-II & C.P.R

Course Code
Course Title
Pre-Clinical Oral Surgery-II & C.P.R
Course Description

The purpose of this course is to prepare the student to recognize advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery problems. Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to formulate diagnosis and treatment plans in order to provide surgical care within the context of a patient-centered system of care delivery. In addition, this course will promote surgical principles and techniques to correct the pathologic conditions mentioned here. The course also emphasizes the principles and application of skills in basic life support, external cardiac compression and the emergency medical systems. Students will learn how to evaluate and treat a patient who sustains cardiac arrest in the dental office or an airway obstruction, through the techniques of CPR and Foreign Body Airway Obstruction.

DDS206, DDS307
Course Type
Theory, Lab