CBA Fulbright Scholar Conducts Seminar on Fulbright Exchange & Funding Opportunities

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022
CBA Fulbright Scholar Conducts Seminar on Fulbright Exchange & Funding Opportunities

In an effort to increase awareness and research capacity in the College of Business Administration, visiting Fulbright scholar Dr. Rahul Verma conducted an online seminar on September 21st 2022 aimed at introducing and exploring the funding and exchange opportunities under the prestigious USA Fulbright program. The seminar was facilitated by the College Research Committee (CRC) and attendees included CBA faculty members and graduate students.

Dr. Rahul Verma is a Professor of finance at the University of Houston Downtown, Texas, USA. He is also awarded endowed professorship Finance by the Fondren Foundation, Houston. Dr. Verma is currently visiting the Finance Department at the College of Business Administration, Ajman University as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar. The CBA Dean and other faculty members in attendance all thanked Dr. Verma for his informative and engaging session.