Mass Communication Interns Starting Internship Program with Distinguished Government and Private Institutions

Monday, Oct 03, 2022
Mass Communication Interns Starting Internship Program with Distinguished Government and Private Institutions

In line with the continuous efforts of the College of Mass Communication at Ajman University to Qualifies its interns for professional development before graduation, the college's Internship Program continues its efforts this year to provide excellent internship opportunities for all the trainees from the different specializations for six weeks of training. In this context, Dr. Hossam Salama, the College Dean, explained that the Internship program can be considered a starting point towards a real career practice, and it may result in employability. Dr. Salama urged the trainees to excel in their internship period to raise their possibility of getting a Job offer by the end of the internship period, which is what happened many times with past trainees. Dr. Dina Al-Khattat, the College Internship Coordinator, coined that the number of trainees this semester is (34 trainees), and these trainees have started their training period with lots of government and private institutions that are recognized for their excellence in the field, and each semester the number of the cooperative institutions with the College Internship Program increases.