Courses Registration: Hacks and Tips

Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 Marwa Al Shekfa
Courses Registration: Hacks and Tips

Whether you are a new student or an upperclassman, the courses registration period can be stressful for everyone. Nonetheless, this eventful period can be dealt with very easily by implementing the proper methods and techniques. This blog highlights the main hacks and tips that can ensure a smooth registration process. 

  • Stick to a Study Plan

Given the large number of courses offered in each program, choosing which courses to enroll in for each semester can be highly complicated for students. Don’t make the mistake of registering your courses randomly; always seek assistance from your academic advisor. And, to make things even easier for you, Ajman University has developed a study plan for all programs and majors, which is very useful for students in the course selection process. The study plan typically includes all of the required courses in the respective program, which are efficiently planned over the period of 4 to 5 years, depending on the program duration. This plan helps students understand their courses’ hierarchy and the relationship between foundation courses and prerequisites.

  • Plan Ahead

A very important tip that you should always keep in mind before the start of the courses’ registration period, is planning ahead. You can plan ahead by choosing the list of courses you want for the upcoming semester and writing them down so that when the registration period starts you can be fully prepared. Always remember that the registration period is not going to last long, that’s why planning ahead is a primary precaution.

  • Organize a Well-Balanced Schedule

Once you've decided on a course list for the current semester, you should proceed to the following stage, which is determining the appropriate timings for each course. The timings of your schedule play a vital role in your academic journey because it shapes your daily routine. Therefore, you should be really careful in the timings you choose and make sure to time manage your schedule in a way that it is efficient and productive. Remember to always set your times based on your own preferences rather than those of others.

  • The Early Bird Gets the Worm

The add-and-drop period can feel like a race between students to reserve their seats as fast as possible. That’s why Ajman University has created the early registration period for students who would like to register first in their desired courses. The early registration period ensures the registration process is smooth and easy for all students. 

  • Talk to Your Advisor

Your advisor is your best friend! Even if you are self-assured about your course selection, always check in with your academic advisor so that you’re in the safe zone.

Ajman University assigns academic advisors to all students, this way whenever you have a question whether it’s regarding course registration or other academic concerns you know exactly who to ask and where to go to.

  • Registration Problems and How to Deal with Them

As we all know that the courses’ registration process is done online, there may be a few issues and problems that you may encounter when registering. Here is a summary of the most common errors and how to overcome them:

  • The Class is Full

All classes have a limited number of seats available, once they’re all reserved you can’t register in the class anymore. If this class is substantial to you, you can try and contact your advisor to help you out with this issue, and if you’re lucky enough you might get a seat. However, if you don’t, always remember that class seats are limited for a reason which is to deliver an effective class for all students.

  • Student On Hold

This error occurs when the student has a hold preventing their registration. To know what are your holds, please check your student profile on Banner and click on the “holds” button to view them. Once you fulfill your holds you’ll be able to register again.

  • Course Prerequisite Error

Some courses require students to complete other courses first to enroll in them, and that’s the main idea behind the prerequisite.

If this error appears during your registration process, you can either ask your advisor about your prerequisite courses or simply check Ajman University’s website for more information about your program prerequisite courses to complete them successfully.

If any other errors or technical issues occur during your online registration process, do not hesitate to contact IT support department, they’ll have your problem sorted out in no time.