Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid


The Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid (OSFA) is committed to supporting the University’s strategic directions in focusing on recruitment, retention, graduation, and employability through efficient delivery of student aid and scholarships. The OSFA assist students in pursuing their educational goals by informing students, parents, and the community about AU scholarships, discounts, and Financial Aid (Thamer Fund) as well as providing counselling about other external financial aids.


The Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid (OSFA) will be a leading office at AU in terms of providing faster, friendlier, and easier financial aid experiences. We seek to create a culture of care and to deliver resources that offer all students the opportunity for education through an ongoing commitment to our values: innovation, transparency, and dignity as well as creating a respectful environment of clarity and trust.

  1. Establish essential automated processes to support awarding financial aid in a timely manner.
  2. Award financial assistance to qualified students, according to governmental & organizational requirements and with a focus on individual student needs.
  3. Establish regular communication flow between the OSFA and the students/parents.
  4. Publish required consumer information concerning scholarships & financial aid program expenses, requests for reconsideration of Scholarships & financial aid results, application requirements, eligibility criteria, award procedures, student rights and responsibilities, important deadlines, and other pertinent information.
  5. Maintain regular contact with the Chancellor & Vice Chancellor for Communication and Community Affairs and other university administrators to support essential policy development and revision and to evaluate institution-wide needs related to scholarships & financial aid.
  6. Maintain a flexible, open-door operation for students who need adjustment in financial assistance or assistance in seeking, obtaining, and retaining appropriate levels of financial aid.
  7. Provide individual student/parent assistance in completing necessary applications and managing personal resources, as they are needed to augment financial assistance in covering educational expenses.
  8. Maintain active working relationships and communication with all university offices involved in the provision of financial assistance to students and with external agencies, organizations, and individuals. This includes Student Accounts, Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions, Registrar, Enrollment Marketing, Career Center, and Development Offices.
 AU Scholarships & Discounts

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Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid

Dear students,

Welcome to Ajman University.

First, it is very important to review everything related to financial policies that fall under the Office of Finance, such as fee payment guide, accepted payment methods, fee payment deadlines, late payment penalties, and others. For more details, please check the link below:



For more details, please contact the Office of Finance through: , 067056151

General Instructions:

  1. Fees for admission, training, housing, transportation, books and student services fees are excluded from these scholarships & discounts

  2. Discounts are applicable only in the Fall & Spring semesters. Summer semester is not included

  3. A scholarship does not cover any failed, prohibited, dropped courses (after the Add & Drop period has finished) within the required credit hours of the study plan.

  4. Students cannot benefit simultaneously from more than one discount. In this case the higher discount will be applicable.

  5. All AU students must check their financial account and If the discount they are entitled to (as per the rules and regulations) is not listed in their account, S/he are requested to submit a discount request through ( and by:

    - Mid of October – First semester of each academic year

    - End of February – Second semester of each academic year.

    Please, be advised that the stated dates are the deadlines for accepting any application to avail due discounts. Students shall not be entitled to claim any discount after the expiry of the set deadline.

  6. All other university regulations shall apply to all students.

For information or inquiry kindly send an email to the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid:

It’s our pleasure to introduce to you in brief AU scholarships & financial aids:

Ajman UAE nationals should submit their applications to Citizens Affairs Office - Ajman.

A %20 discount shall be offered to Ajman Government Staff as of the second semester of the academic year 2016/2017 and onward in all undergraduate and graduate majors, except for the programs of the College of Medicine and College of Dentistry, and the Pharmacy program. However, students must maintain an average CGPA of (2.00) or more in undergraduate studies, and (3.00) in graduate studies. The student must submit an e request proves his/her uninterrupted service with their departments in the beginning of each and every semester through

A permanent faculty member as well as the administrative/technical staff will be given a discount for his/her family) wife/Husband, Sons, Brothers/Sisters) as per the scholarship & discount regulations.

These discounts are only for Ajman University Alumni. These shall only apply to the students enrolled in the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019 and onward, and as below details:

  • AU Graduate Discount:

      • Students enrolled in all graduate programs.

      • Approved Alumni Discount percentage based on the previous CGPA out of 4 ( if their CGPA is based on other grading system; it must be calculated to be out of 4) and as the following:

        • 25% discount for graduates with (3.00) – (3.59) CGPA.

        • 30% discount for graduates with (3.60) – (3.79) CGPA.

        • 40% discount for graduates with (3.80) – (3.99) CGPA.

        • 50% discount for graduates with (4.00) CGPA.

      • The discount changes as per previous CGPA.

      • The student must maintain an average CGPA of (3.00) or more.

      • The discount does not include the Foundation Year.

      • The student must submit an e request through

  • Husband/Spouse Discount:

      • Students of PhD and MA degrees, all majors

      • 20% discount

      • The student must maintain an average CGPA of (3.00) or more.

      • The discount does not include the Foundation Year.

      • The student must submit an e request through

  • Husband/Wife & Children Discount:

      • Bachelor’s students of all majors.

      • 10% discount.

      • The student must maintain an average CGPA of (2.00) or more.

      • The student must submit an e request through

All registered Siblings and first-degree relatives (father, mother, and children) in any bachelor program are eligible for a discount from 5%-20% according to their serial numbers and that is after submitting his/her papers through This discount is not subject to the CGPA condition.

Students admitted in the any college except the college of Medicine and Dentistry who have high school scores of 90% or higher are eligible for a 20% Discount (for enrolment in the first semester only). High School Discount will be given in the first semester. The discount will not be transferred to the following semester.

Students admitted in the Medicine and Dentistry bachelor programs who have high school scores of 95% or higher are eligible for a 20% Discount (for enrolment in the first semester only). High School Discount will be given in the first semester. The discount will not be transferred to the following semester.

High School students achieving 99% or above can avail a 30% scholarship in all colleges except the College of Medicine & in their first semester only. Top five students achieving 99% or above can avail a 30% scholarship in the College of Medicine & in their first semester only.

Top students in secondary schools around UAE shall have the following scholarships throughout his/her study period:

  • 100% First Top Student
  • 75% Second Top Student
  • 50% Third Top Student

Top students in secondary schools at the emirate of Ajman shall have the following scholarships throughout his/her study period:

  • 100% First Top Student
  • 75% Second Top Student
  • 50% Third Top Student

1. Saudi Arabia 7. Jordan 13. Tunisia 19.Philippines
2. Sultanate of Oman 8. Lebanon 14. Morocco 20. Nigeria
3. Kuwait 9. Syria 15. Afghanistan 21. Korea
4. Bahrain 10. Egypt 16. Pakistan 22. China
5. Iraq 11.The Sudan 17. Kazakhstan 23. Kenya
6. Palestine 12. Algeria 18. India 24. Ghana

Undergraduate students will get a discount in the next semester following their achievement as below.

Discount Previous semester earned credit hours Previous semester earned GPA
Honor Discount 20% 15 credit hours or more (4.00).
Honor Discount 15% 15 credit hours or more (3.8 - 3.99)
Honor Discount 10% 15 credit hours or more (3.6 - 3.799)

Top college honor students will get a discount in the next semester following their achievement as below:

  • 100% for the first college honor student
  • 75% for the second college honor student
  • 50% for the third college honor student

For more details please contact the Office of Registration through:, 067055204

Determined students shall be entitled to a discount up to 100% throughout their study at the Ajman University. The discount spans all undergraduate majors. The amount of discount shall be approved by the AU Chancellor. The student must maintain an average CGPA of (2.00) or more. The student must first send the medical reports to the Office of Medical Services at the university to approve his health condition and apply for the discount through:, 067056732

All registered Omani students in any undergraduate program excluding the colleges of Medicine & Dentistry are eligible to a permanent scholarship of 20%. The student must maintain an average CGPA of (2.00) or more.

  • Ajman University offers ESAAD card holders a 20% discount for newly enrolled students from the academic semester 202310 in all undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding the colleges of Medicine & Dentistry as well as the PhD programs). Students will continue to benefit from this discount in subsequent semesters provided that they maintain a CGPA of (3.00) and above.
  • Ajman University offers ESAAD card holders a 20% discount for enrolled students from the academic semester 202010 to 202220 in all undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding the colleges of Medicine & Dentistry). Students will continue to benefit from this discount in subsequent semesters provided that they maintain a CGPA of (3.00) and above.
  • Ajman University offers ESAAD card holders a 10% discount for enrolled students before the academic semester 202010 in all undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding the colleges of Medicine & Dentistry).Students will continue to benefit from this discount in subsequent semesters provided that they maintain a CGPA of (3.00) and above.
  • The student must submit an e-request for the ESAAD card discount along with a copy of valid ESAAD Card at the beginning of each semester through

Current students can earn a 20% tuition discount for referring THREE NEW ENROLLED students.

  • Share your AU story with a colleague, family member or a friend who may be interested in joining one of our academic programs.

  • The 20% discount will be offered after the drop and add period (for one semester only).

  • In case the referred student has already applied to Ajman University, the referral will be disqualified.

  • If the current student is a sibling, s/he cannot claim the referral discount.

  • The new student should fill in the referral details in the admission form via answering the question: “How did you hear about the University?”. Choose,' from a student at Ajman University.' Then mention the required data.

Creative and innovative students shall be entitled to up to 100% Innovative discount determined by a dedicated committee that will be in charge of following up with those innovative students and as per specific conditions in all undergraduate programs.

Financial Aid (Thamer Fund) Fixed Amount: For more details, please check Thamer Funds Webpage