Tips on How to Get Back into Study Mode After the Holidays

Thursday, Jul 21, 2022 Basma Abu Baker
Tips on How to Get Back into Study Mode After the Holidays

Returning to study after a break, may seem like a big task to undertake however, it doesn’t have to be difficult with a few tips and good support. Here are some handy tips for getting back into a productive routine so that you can make your next year of education successful!

Plan ahead

Planning is a key component of student life. It enables you to structure your educational, work, and personal life. Try to be as proactive as possible when you’re returning to university. Understanding what will be expected of you once classes start back up will help make your return less stressful. Choose the planning resource that works best for you; buy a planner or use a virtual calendar to log your tasks and keep them in one place. When you receive your syllabus for classes, put due dates in your planner to keep you on track. Be realistic and try to allow a little leeway for when things don’t go exactly to plan. Don’t forget to leave time for yourself and plenty of rest.

Stay focused

It’s easy to get distracted when you first return to college. Self-help is the key here. No one else is going to stop you from doing what you want, but you’re the one who will face the consequences if you fail to meet your goals. Remember you are at university for a reason, and if that reason is lost nothing else will fit well in the equation. To stay focused on your goals make sure to keep a diary with you to write your study goals and priorities in it. This will give you confidence during your studies.

Develop a healthy routine

You might think that a routine isn't something you need as a student, but actually, a routine can be a useful tool for anyone. It is important to develop a routine for yourself to organize your time and divide up your day. You might even become more productive and ultimately have more time for yourself!  

To make the best of your study time, first think about your natural sleep pattern. Make sure to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. As you sleep, your body recharges and your mind consolidates memories, allowing you to fully absorb and remember information you learned the day before. Eat a balanced diet and don’t skip meals. Don’t rely on energy drinks or coffee to keep you running. No matter how busy or stressed you get, sleep and a healthy diet will help you concentrate and be productive. Having a healthy routine also means that you are more likely to stick to the task you are doing at that moment, instead of allowing different things to blend into one.

Find a studying environment that works best for you

Engaging with your course materials and focusing on your studies is often easier when you are in the right environment. Having a specific workspace will increase your productivity by limiting distractions and improving your focus, and also by allowing you to section up your leisure and work time more rigidly so that you don’t get either burned out or inactive. Make sure this area has everything you need, like chargers, papers, a pen, a strong Wi-Fi connection, and good lighting. A comfortable chair is a must too!

Get inspired

It’s good to remind yourself why you’re studying the subjects you are and what parts of them inspire your passion. Try following the social media or blogs of experts in the field to get inspiration from the work they’re doing; this will help you gain a better understanding of how the field works and what sort of roles are available. Read Ajman University's alumni stories and get inspired by their amazing achievements!

Build relationships with students and professors

Building relationships on campus with others, including your professors and fellow students, can help break the ice and make a huge difference in your college experience. Maintain a professional relationship with your professors and discuss materials with them whenever you need their guidance. They are experienced and there to help you, so why not use this to your advantage to help smooth out the ‘going back to college process. The connections you make will help you feel more comfortable and keep you in touch with events and news around campus.

Enjoy your journey!

Experiencing the journey is as important as reaching the destination, they say. So, enjoy your academic journey while you pursue your ultimate goals. College Life experience is truly one of a kind. It exposes us to new experiences that we always dream of experiencing after school life. Moreover, it teaches us how to socialize and form opinions of our own. Check out Ajman University's academic programs and see how a degree can help you create the future you want.