Reproductive and sexual healthcare Guidance

As part of its commitment to the Good Health and Well-being of the female community, the Office of Medical Services provides guidance and initial checks to its students, staff, faculty, and alums on the following health issues:

  1. Menstrual cycle health issues: Guidance on symptoms and effects of Polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular cycles, painful periods, etc;
  2. Pre and post-pregnancy health education
  3. Awareness of premarital and sexually transmitted diseases
  4. Family planning guidance
  5. Any other sexual health-related education

The consultation is based on one-to-one appointments with the AU medical services health practitioner. If required, the office collaborates with the Counselling unit to discuss students' medical history before any further investigation is prescribed. Based on the health status, certified healthcare professionals perform an initial general checkup at the center. The students are then referred to partner health centers for further investigation.

The office also guides nursing mothers on lactation. Dr. Fetta Djesias has been a certified Lactation consultant from IBCLC since 2003 and volunteers in many breastfeeding awareness and support activities.

Write to AU Medical Services or walk into the Medical Clinic on the Student Hub Building Ground Floor for the appointments. The AU medical clinics' services are free of charge and available round the clock. All health records, forms, and documentation are confidentially archived at the center.