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Ajman University Faculty Member Awarded Research Travel Grant for Collaboration with Linkoping University

Monday, Mar 04, 2024
Ajman University Faculty Member Awarded Research Travel Grant for Collaboration with Linkoping University

A research travel grant has been awarded to Associate Professor Dr. Elmuez Dawi from the College of Humanities and Sciences, Ajman University to visit Linköping University in Sweden. During the past few years, Dr. Dawi worked with researchers at the Institute for Technology and Innovation in the Division of Physics, Electronics and Mathematics at Linköping University, Sweden.

The fruitful collaboration and discussions have resulted in the completion of several manuscripts in the field of nanomaterials and composite nanostructured materials for renewable energy applications. A noteworthy work related to the development of high-performance biosensors and sensors for the clinical and food industries was green chemistry for the fabrication of large surface area electrodes based on bimetallic oxides and CuO nanocomposites. Currently, this work and other emerging research are being reviewed by high impact factor journals in the Scopus database.

Furthermore, Dr. Dawi has recently published (in response to discussions from the visit) an interesting review paper on nanomaterials in collaboration with other collaborators titled, Zn-Ti LDH-based composites and heterojunctions for photocatalytic clean energy generation and pollutant removal;